TL;DR: Shattered Empire

A long time ago…. in a comic book far far away…


In case you haven’t yet read this comic, i have taken the liberty to do it for you. This one of the major pieces of “A Journey to the Force Awakens”, the slow release of content that plans to fill in some of the gaps between the Original and Sequel trilogies. So it is a very important piece of canon that is being shown before the new movie arrives. This will be my recap and summary of the events that unfold.

!!!Spoiler Warning!!!

This comic takes place in the immediate aftermath of the destruction of the second Death Star. We get to see some of the battles that ensue in the days, weeks and months after the end of Return of the Jedi.

Star Wars: ShatteredEmpire

Issue #1

We begin this story above the forest moon of Endor, in the midst of an epic battle between the Rebellion and the Empire. We see Luke Skywalker fighting Vader. A scene from the planet’s surface with Han Solo. And flash into the cockpit of an A-Wing fighter, and are immediately taken into the battle of Endor.


We are following pilot Shara Bay, and she is a part of the Green Squadron. We see shots of tie fighters exploding, and maneuvering. When the announcement is made “the shields are down”, all fighters commence the attack on the Death Star.

We see the Millenium Falcon fly into the Death Star while Green Squadron patrols the surface. As the battle nears its end we see an Imperial Shuttle leave the Death Star and as Shara moves in to try and destroy it, she finds out it is in fact Luke Skywalker leaving. She acts as an escort as they fly away from the Death Star as it explodes.

After the battle is won we are taken to the inside of a docking bay, and all the surviving pilots are together celebrating. Her commanding officer is allowing her to go down to the surface of the Endor Moon to celebrate with her husband. Our next scenes show the Ewoks and Rebel fighters celebrating. She eventually finds her man, who is revealed to be Sergent Dameron! (We first learn that we have just met the parents of The Force Awakens character Poe Dameron!)

We soon learn that the war is far from over, and they learn there is another base on the far side of the moon that is holding out. We show the landing craft approach the garrison and a battle ensues. We end this issue with a shot of Chewbacca and Han Solo (and Kes Dameron in the background); everyone is  looking exhausted. Han looks into the distance and announces to the group “Its not over yet”.

TL:DR – We are shown the space battle and eventual destruction of the Death Star. The battle of Endor is won, but the war against the Empire is not over yet. Our main character is Shara Bay, an A-Wing Pilot her husband, Kes Dameron, is a rebel comando fighting alongside Han Solo. They are the parents of Poe Dameron. The day after the destruction of the Death Star, they are back to war, attacking a base on the other side of the Endor Moon. Its not over yet….

Star Wars: Shattered Empire

Issue #2

We are seeing a star destroyer in deep space at what we are told is “Rendezvous Point Victim” somewhere in the Outer Rim. The bridge of the Star Destroyer is cleared out and a mysterious figure in Red approaches the Captain Duvat with an important message from the Emperor.

The face of the Emperor appears on the mask of the messenger announcing that he is to take part in Operation Cinder. He talks about how they must crush this Rebellion. Dissent cannot be allowed to He then leaves.

We are now 17 days after the Battle of Endor and a squad of A-Wing fighters are attacking TIE fighters and AT-AT walkers above the urban landscape of Cawa City on the planet Sterdic IV. The attack is explosive! And we assume victorious for the rebels. After the battle, we see Shara Bay and her commanding officer L’ulo (who is a Duros) once again conversing. She is informed that she will be on light duties for a while thanks to her hard work.

We are now 20 days after the battle of Endor, at the Rebel fleet command. Leia and Mon Mothma are discussing plans to shore up support for the rebellion now that the Emperor is dead. Shara Bay is introduced as the pilot that will escort Leia on the diplomatic mission. During the flight through hyperspace, Leia is writing letters to the next of kin of people who died during the battle.

We arrive on Naboo!! And into the capital of Theed. The two of them talk about how Palpatine was from Naboo and how surprised they are that Naboo still looked undisturbed. They are greeted by the Governor and taken to meet the current Queen, Sortuna. We soon learn that soon after the Empire has arrived and a Star Destroyer is attacking the atmosphere with some sort of new Super-Weapon that is causing severe lighting storms and hurricanes above the planet…

TL;DR – The Emperor has sent a messenger to Captain Duvat to enact “Operation Cinder”. Shara Bay is still fighting the war 17 days after the destruction of the Death Star, flying in combat missions above the planet Sterdic IV. After the battle is won she is awarded some light duties as a reward for her service. Almost three weeks after Endor, she is now piloting a diplomatic mission to Naboo with Princess Leia. They meet the Queen only to find out The Empire has arrived and is now attacking the planet with some form of super-weapon that is causing storms throughout the planet….

Star Wars: Shattered Empire

Issue #3

We are in the Outer Rim at the “Wretch of Tayron”, some mysterious Imperial Security Bureau Black Site. They are on the cliffside, overlooking the secure compound bellow. Kes Dameron leads a strike team as the Rebels attack. Kes is almost shot at, but Chewbacca comes to his rescue. They enter the base in hopes to retrieve important Imperial information.

We are back to Naboo, and the storms are intensifying. They learn the attack is coming from Orbit, and they realize that it is Palpatine getting revenge from beyond the grave. They need to find a way to fight back and the Governor says that the planet was demilitarized by the Emperor and that they have no ships or pilots.

The Queen has other plans! She takes them to the old fighter bay that was operational before the Clone Wars broke out, the one we would have seen in The Phantom Menace. When Leia walks into the room she has a force premonition, feeling the presence of Darth Maul. They find a few working fighters and the ladies – Leia, Shara and  Queen Sortuna – decide that they will take these fighters out to try and stop the attack.

We flash back to the secret installation that they have attacked, and the attack is well underway. Kes Dameron and Han Solo have made it inside the base and capture the commander immediately before he is able to do a date purge. They are trying to collect any relevant data or information that will help them, which is when they learn of the operation that is currently underway; Operation Cinder. Threepio informs Han Solo that this includes an attack on Naboo!

The three ladies are gearing up to enter the fighters – the same yellow and silver ships from the Phantom Menace – and Shara Bey will be leading the attack. They pull out of the hanger and into the storms, which are intensifying. The two royal ladies begin to attack the satalites that are surrounding the planet causing the storms while Shara engages the incoming TIE fighters which are launching from the Star Destroyer.

Shara Bey has them distracted while the satellites continue to explode. She has taken out many of them, but finally takes a hit. She converses with Leia about her husband and son – who, we know must be Poe – and she doesn’t want to have her write letters to her next of kin. Leia’s ship comes in to save Shara. Leia’s ship swoops in to save the day, taking out another fighter. Another wave of fighters move in and they realize they might be in trouble.

Out of hyperspace arrives a Mon Calamari vessel and several fighters. General Lando Clarissian makes the announcement that they should disengage and they would take over from here. “Why show up early when you can show up in the nick of time” Lando announces.

We are now back at the Fleets muster point, Princess Leia and Shara Bey have now reunited with their guys; Han Solo and Kes Dameron are waiting for them.

TL;DR – Kes Dameron and Han Solo attack a secret Imperial Security Bureau Black Site in order to optain information to help the rebellion. Han Solo and his strike team take over the secret base and learn about Operation Cinder, which is taking place on Naboo as we speak. Shara Bey and Princess Leia are stranded on Naboo, where the Imperial’s are attacking with some sore of mega-storm creating super weapon. The ladies take out fighters to try and stop the attack. Just when it looks like the Imperials might take out the fighters, Lando and some of the Rebel fleet come in and save the day. 

Star Wars: Shattered Empire

Issue #4

We return to the Rebel Fleet command at Muster Point Stalwart. Admire Akbar is explaining to his commanders that these type’s of attacks have been happening throughout the galaxy. Operation Cinder is getting retribution for Emperor Palpatine from beyond the grave.

Inside the hanger we see the familiar scene with Shara Bey and Green Leader L’ulo speaking about her contribution. We learn that Kes Dameron has filed his papers for discharge from the war, and that he – without her knowledge – has done the same for her. It is time for her to leave the fight for someone else, and leave to be with her family.

R2-D2 comes in and leads Shara away from the hanger where she meets Luke Skywalker. He needs help flying the Imperial Shuttle and finds it interesting that R2-D2 has found her of all pilots. He learns that they “sort of know” each other from the battle of Endor, and he remembers that she was with Leia at Naboo.

Luke Skywalker fills us in to his plan. They are infiltrating an secret Imperial Research Facility to “take back something the Emperor stole a long time ago”. Shara Bey is now going to impersonate Imperial officer in order to gain clearance to a classified area. They land on the planet and ask to inspect the security at the lab. They are taken down through the secure areas to the lab – which he tells Shara and Luke only himself and the Emperor had access to – and it is revealed they are protecting two trees. It is revealed that these two trees were taken from the heart of the old Jedi Temple on Courescant and protected/studied here ever since.

This is when the commander announces that their plan almost worked, and that the security officer Shara is impersonating is missing an eye. The Stormtropers surround them and Luke takes off his robe, retreives his lightsaber that R2 D2 was hiding and defends Shara as she collects the trees. Luke holds back the attack and they narrowly escape back to the ship. Luke uses the force to deflect and block and explosion from some detonators and they escape the base.

They are flying back to the Fleet and Luke tells Shara he overheard the conversation with L’ulo and he wonders what she plans to do. She tells him he doesn’t know. Luke tells her that he didn’t expect there to be two trees, and that the other would need a new home. The final page ends with Kes Dameron and Shara Bey planting the tree on a forested planet with ruins – most likely Yavin IV – and ends with the line “lets go home Shara Bey”.

TL;DR – Shara Bey has had her paperwork for de-enlistment filed by L’ulo – the leader of Green Squadron – because she deserves to settle down and raise her family. R2-D2 comes looking for a pilot and takes Shara to see Luke Skywalker, who needs help piloting on a secret mission. They arrive at a secret research facility and infiltrate to the center, where two tree’s which are strong with the Force – and had been stolen from the Jedi Temple long ago- were being stored by the Emperor. They are eventually discovered and have to fight their way out with the two trees. In the end, Luke takes one and Shara takes the other, planting it on Yavin, where her and Kes have decided to settle down and raise their family. The end. 

Final thoughts:

There is a lot of action and story crammed into these four issues. They could have easily expanded on any of the moments of action, and spread this out longer. This could have been a 6 or even 8 part series if they had so chosen to do it. At times it feels rushed and doesn’t allow itself to finish plot points or thoughts. But overall, the story told here offers lots of insight into the events that will likely unfold over the years that bridge the gap between the old and new movies.

The Journey to – and seemingly endless wait for – The Force Awakens continues….

TL;DR – The Death Star has been destroyed but the war is not over. The Empire will survive under new leadership to continue to fight off the Rebellion. Shara Bey is the main protagonist of this comic and is an accomplished fighter pilot, helping to fight back against the Empire. We see her – and her husband Kes Dameron’s – interactions with the cast of the original trilogy which drives our story forward. Han Solo and Leia are still actively fighting on the front lines. Luke seems to be collecting information and old Jedi Relics, and the story ends with him finding two force sensitive trees that once resided inside the heart of the Jedi Temple on Couracant. Shara Bey and Kes Dameron retire to Yavin and plant their roots –  both metaphorically and physically, as the last pannel is them planting one of the two trees Luke Skywalker found. The End. 

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