Category Archives: movie posters

The Force Awakens IMAX posters

These are absolutely spectacular pieces of art, especially if your a massive Star Wars fan – which I assume you are, since you’ve stumbled upon this post. If you live in a city with an AMC Imax theatre, they were giving these away to anyone who comes to visit.

I just can’t get enough of these posters! Im pretty sure they will go down in history with some of the best posters from the Star Wars universe once the dust settles on The Force Awakens hype-machine. Anyways, I hope you enjoy…

This was updated to include the fourth and final poster. 

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Force Awakens: All Movie posters

The hype train continues! I decided to collect all of the official movie posters that I could find for”The Force Awakens”. One thing that everyone keeps asking is “where is Luke Skywalker?” and these posters do nothing to answer the mystery. This of course wont be revealed until the release of “The Force Awakens”, and we all wait patiently for the next 29 days to pass by…

Anyways, they are all very beautiful and gives us everything we need to get excited for the upcoming movie. Let the countdown continue….

Official Imax movie poster (so simple and so perfect. this is just a beautiful piece of artwork):


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Force Awakens Character Posters has released their new Force Awakens promotional posters today. They show a close up of some of the main characters (no Luke Skywalker yet) including Kylo Ren, Finn, Rey, Han Solo and Princess Leia.

They were all pretty great, but i especially love the contrast between Finn and Kylo Ren…. can’t wait for the inevitable showdown between these two!

Only 45 days until The Force Awakens hits the big screens. Until then, May the force be with you!


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